Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERTC)

Has your business been impacted by COVID-19?
Have you heard about the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)?
You may be entitled to tax credits.
The CARES act contains a business relief provision known as the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). This is a refundable payroll tax credit to businesses of up to $5,000 per employee for “qualified wages” paid to employees between March 13 and December 31, 2020.
For 2021, you may receive up to $7,000 per employee per quarter. Even if you received a PPP loan, you may qualify for this credit. We have already applied for more than $8,000,000.00 in credits for clients payroll expenses in 2020 and 2021.
As a boutique accounting and consulting firm, it is our goal to get the highest tax credit available to help businesses that have been hit hardest by COVID-19. Make sure you get the highest tax credit available to your business.
See How Much You Can Qualify For

Profit First Nation Podcast:
SPECIAL BONUS Episode: Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERTC)
The rules of engagement are not always easy to navigate for business owners — so we have recorded a special episode on the topic of Employee Retention Tax Credits — these credits are up to $7,000 per employee per quarter in 2021 AND you may be eligible even if you took PPP money. Additionally, if you are a business that started AFTER Feb 15, 2020 - you may be eligible for up to $50,000 in tax credits per quarter. LISTEN NOW and check out the visual recap here:
According to a recent Paychex survey, only 39% of employers with fewer than 500 employees are aware of the ERTC and only one in five business owners have taken action to claim the ERTC.
Credits are up to $7,000 per employee per quarter in 2021 AND you may be eligible even if you took PPP money.
Additionally, if you are a business that started AFTER February 15, 2020 - you may be eligible for up to $50,000 in tax credits per quarter.
LISTEN TO A SPECIAL Profit First Nation Podcast BONUS EPISODE on the topic TODAY to not get left out.